Once there was a man who had a powerful dream. In his dream he saw a big open field with a fence running down the middle. On one side of the fence stood Jesus with His many followers. On the other side stood Satan with his followers. The man looked at each side and said, “No, I don’t want either.” At his words everyone in the field disappeared. The man walked over and leaned on the fence. Suddenly Satan reappeared and said, “I’m so glad you chose me.” The man replied, “I didn’t choose you. I chose the fence.” Satan answered, “Oh but you did choose me. I own the fence.”
That fencetells stories. It speaks of neutral ground. It offers a plot of land where loyalty is necessary only to self. The fence advertises a sanctuary city untouched by God’s statutes or Satan’s existence. At the fence time presumably stands still while eternal decisions are being made. Countless people for countless reasons make their home along the rails of the fence. They believe in the safety and the security that the fence offers. But in reality, the ground they stand on is sinking sand as they walk straight into the mouth of hell.
That fence is a liar!
Obviously this is a warning to unbelievers, but lately I’m pondering that fence. After meditating on this powerful story, I’ve come to realize that I face that fence everyday. As a believer I’m tempted to straddle the fence on matters that I would consider less impactful ~ matters that I feel won’t have a diminishing effect on my walk with God. You know, the minor offenses that Jesus can easily sweep under His blood. Profanity in an angry moment, indulging in a song that the Holy Spirit doesn’t like, a conversation that I don’t need to be involved in, the tone in my voice, the intent of my heart, judging in God’s place…the list goes on and on. These are the moments when conviction rises in my heart and shows me that my wandering feet have found their way to the fence. Lord, I don’t want to linger in the place of sin. I want to be right where I belong…at Your feet.
There are three accounts in the Bible of one woman who knew precisely where she belonged. This lady was notorious for making her home at Jesus’ feet. Her name was Mary and her loyalty was unwavering. Take a look at three excerpts from God’s Word.
Dinner with Lazarus and his sisters
As Jesus and His disciples continued on their way to Jerusalem, they came to a certain village where a woman named Martha welcomed him into her home. Her sister, Mary sat at the Lord’s feet, listening to what he taught.” Luke 10:38-39
At Lazarus’ death
Then she called Mary aside from the mourners and told her, “The Teacher is here and wants to see you.” When Mary arrived and saw Jesus, she fell at his feet.” John 11:28,32
Jesus anointed with oil
A dinner was prepared in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, and Lazarus was among those who ate with him. Then Mary took a twelve-ounce jar of expensive perfume made from essence of nard and she anointed Jesus’ feet with it, wiping His feet with her hair. The house was filled with the fragrance. John 12:2-3
In all three accounts Mary humbly positioned herself at Jesus’ feet with a deep-seeded respect and enduring love for her Savior. She was passionate about her relationship with Jesus. She savored His presence as she sat under the rain of His life-giving words. Her love for Jesus transformed her into an extravagant giver. Even in moments of pain and disillusioned thoughts, Mary knew who to run to. She knew precisely where she belonged. Mary was all in ~ no fence straddling!
A passionate child of God is an inspiration. There is no wavering in their loyalty. They live their lives fully committed to Jesus. A “yes” is ever on their lips when the Lord comes calling.
Make us people like that, Father God. Show us how to not only stay away from the fence, but give us hearts that beat like Mary’s heart. May we pour ourselves into loving You the way You want to be loved. May You find us at your feet in humble adoration. And as we pursue You more fully, invade our hearts with Your presence. Let us continually taste heaven while we are locked in these earthen vessels that we may hunger for you more and more. Amen.